Benign prostatic
- Benign
prostatic hyperplasia is also known as benign prostatic hypertrophy.
Benign prostatic
hyperplasia (BPH) is an enlarged prostate gland.
- The prostate gland surrounds
the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the body. As
the prostate gets bigger, it may squeeze or partly block the urethra. This
often causes problems with urinating.
- Generalized
disease of the prostate due to hormonal derangement which leads to enlargement
of the gland (increase in the number of epithelial cells and stromal tissue) to
cause compression of the urethra leading to symptoms.
BPH occurs in
almost all men as they age. BPH is not cancer.
- An enlarged prostate can be a
nuisance. But it is usually not a serious problem. About half of all men older
than 75 have some symptoms.
- Benign
prostatic hyperplasia is probably a normal part of the aging process in men,
caused by changes in hormone balance and in cell growth.
BPH causes
urinary problems such as:
- Trouble
getting a urine stream started and completely stopped (dribbling).
Often urging
to urinate. This feeling may even wake you up at night.
- A weak urine
- A sense that
your bladder is not completely empty after you urinate.
- In a small
number of cases, BPH may cause the bladder to be blocked, making it impossible
or extremely hard to urinate. This problem may cause backed-up urine (urinary
retention), leading to bladder infections or stones, or kidney damage.
- BPH does not
cause prostate cancer and does not affect a man's ability to father children.
It does not cause erection problems.
TONGUE - Brown,
EXAMINATION - Absence of full bladder
- Bimanual
: Dorsal position : the enlargement can be felt
- Blood urea
increased, ESR increased
- Prostate-specific
antigen (PSA): It is a protein produced by the cells of the prostate gland. The
PSA test measures the level of PSA in the blood. The doctor takes a blood
sample, and the amount of PSA is measured in a laboratory. Because PSA is
produced by the body and can be used to detect disease, it is sometimes called
a biological marker or tumor marker. It is normal for men to have low levels of
PSA in their blood; however, prostate cancer or benign (not cancerous)
conditions can increase PSA levels. As men age, both benign prostate conditions
and prostate cancer become more frequent. The most common benign prostate
conditions are prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate) and benign prostatic
hyperplasia (BPH) (enlargement of the prostate). There is no evidence that
prostatitis or BPH cause cancer, but it is possible for a man to have one or
both of these conditions and to develop prostate cancer as well. PSA levels
alone do not give doctors enough information to distinguish between benign
prostate conditions and cancer. However, the doctor will take the result of the
PSA test into account when deciding whether to check further for signs of
prostate cancer.
PSA test
results report the level of PSA detected in the blood. The test results are
usually reported as nanograms of PSA per milliliter (ng/ml) of blood. In the
past, most doctors considered PSA values below 4.0 ng/ml as normal. However,
recent research found prostate cancer in men with PSA levels below 4.0 ng/ml
(2). Many doctors are now using the following ranges, with some variation:
- 0
to 2.5 ng/ml is low
- 2.6
to 10 ng/ml is slightly to moderately elevated
- 10
to 19.9 ng/ml is moderately elevated
of Prostate Enlargement
- Acute
- Chronic
Retention: The bladder is not completely emptied after passing urine. Some urine remains in the
bladder at all times. This is called ‘chronic (ongoing) retention’. This may
cause recurring urine infections, or incontinence (as urine dribbles around the
blockage rather than large amounts being passed each time patient goes to the
- Infection
- Uremia
- Hydronephrosis
- Renal Failure
ORI.- Prostrate fluid passes while at stool and after having made water
NITRICUM- Chronic enlargement in old
ARNICA MONTANA- In traumatic cases where the enlargement is due to injury. Sensation as
if bruised and beaten, darting or tingling, with numbness
BARYTA CARB- Enlargement of the prostrate in old people
CADMIUM PHOS- Useful in suspected carcinoma of the prostrate gland.
CANTHARIS- One of the best medicine for
prostate enlargement with burning urination. Burning pain and an intolerable,
constant urge to urinate while only losing a few drops of urine. All pains are
sore, raw, burning, cutting, biting and smarting. Intense sexual desire arises
from the inflamed pelvic region. The urge to urinate is intolerable and
constant; before, during and after the painful urination. Only a few bloody
drops will pass at a time and the pain in the urethra and bladder are intense
burning, cutting and itching. Symptoms get worse by drinking of water or
coffee, urination, glittering objects, the sound of water. The person feels
better by warmth, rubbing and massage.
INDICA- Sensation in anal region as if sitting on a ball.
Frequent urination. Sensation as of sitting on a small ball. Straining and pain in bladder is due
to enlarged prostate glands and pain in the bladder is relieved by urination.
CANADENSIS- Cancer of the prostrate gland
MACULATUM- Discharge of prostratic fluid on every motion with itching of
prepuce and enlargement. Urine starts and stops again and again
CROTALUS HOR.- Cancer with bleeding of the prostrate gland
ERYNGIUM- 3-5 drops in acute cystitis with dysuria,
difficult and frequent urination, burning pain with tenesmus in bladder or
urethra during urination. Frequent desire to urinate, urine scanty passes in
drops, after every few minutes- during irritable bladder or due to enlarged
prostate glands, Renal colic, with pain in back, running down ureters and
thighs- legs.
PURPUREUM- Dull pain in kidneys, burning in bladder and in urethra during
urination, bladder feels full with desire to urinate, urine sometimes milky and
scanty - often indicated in dysuria, enlarged prostate, renal dropsy, copious
urine, bladder irritation.
PICRICUM- One of the best medicine for senile prostatic hypertrophy or enlarged
prostate in old men. Good medicine to complete the action of other medicines
(Boericke). Frequent micturition at night. Full feeling and pressure in rectum.
Retention of Urine. Smarting at neck of bladder.
HOANG NAN- Cancer of the prostrate gland. Start with 5 drops thrice daily and gradually increase to 20 drops
HYDRANGEA- Enlargement of the prostrate without any complication. 2 doses of 5-10 drops, morning and evening every day. Very difficult urination. It also works well in 200 and 1000 potency. Urine may be retained , specially in men over 50 years of age. Enlargement of prostate. Remedy for stones, profuse deposits of white amorphous salts in urine. Burning in urethra and frequent desire. Urine hard to start. Sharp pains in loins.Enlarged prostate with great thirst
IODIUM- Inflammation of prostate in scrofulous and tubercular persons
LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM- Backache before urination, which goes afterwards. Urine is slow to come and the patient strains to pass it. In 1000 potency it is useful in curing prostrate cancer
MERC IODIDE- In cases where suppuration of prostate has occured
PARIERA BRAVA- Retention of urine due to prostrate enlargement. 5 drops in lukewarm water, after every 30 minutes till relief in acute cystitis with distention of bladder, pain extending down thighs, constant urging and great straining to urinate with pain in the urethra and glans penis, can pass urine when he goes on knee and pressing his head against the wall with dribbling of urine and perspiration breaks cut. This is due to the inflammation of the bladder or due to enlarged prostate gland, bloody turbid, muco-pus filled urine due to stone in the bladdersometimes, there is red sand present in the urine.
PITUITRINUM- Prostatitis, chronic nephritis and high blood pressure, difficult concentration and confusion are removed by the use of this remedy
PHOSPHORIC ACID- Prostrate fluid passes even when passing a soft stool.
PULSATILLA-Continued dull stitches in neck of bladder, with a pressure of urine, while lying upon his back; after micturition spasmodic pains in neck of bladder, extending to pelvis and thighs; prostatic troubles of elderly people, faeces flat, small in size.
SABAL SERRULATA- Burning in the urethra while passing urine and difficulty in passing urine. Recent or chronic enlargement of the gland. Sensation of coldness from the prostrate gland to genitals. Constant desire to urinate < night. Enuresis. Paresis of sphincter vesicae. Dysuria. Cystitis. Acts on membrano-prostatic part of urethra.
SELENIUM MET.- Discharge of prostratic fluid during stool. Prostratitis in elderly men.Dribbling of prostratic fluid during sleep
SOLIDAGO: Pain in region of Kidneys, with dysuria. Kidneys sensitive to pressure. Difficult and scanty urine. Makes the use of catheter unnecessary. Associated with calculus. Kidney and urinary symptoms are more marked. Used when cystitis and kidney affections are present with BPH. Reddish brown urine with thick sediments. Pain in kidneys , extending to abdomen and bladder. Clear and offensive urine. Very helpful in case of retention, makes the use of the catheter unnecessary at times.
SPONGIA- Suitable when there is small stream of urine which is frothy and swelling of testes and spermatic cord
STAPHYSAGRIA- Enlargement with frequent urge to pass urine. Sensation as if a few drops remained
TUJA OCCIDENTALIS- Prostratic discharge ic thick and green. Inflammation of the gland. Acts on genito urinary tract producing sycotic dyscrasia.. Sycotic pains: pain muscles and joints. Hydrogenoid constitution. Rapid emaciation and exhaustion. Fixed ideas: as if a strange person is at his side, as if soul and body were separated, as if something alive were in abdomen. Enlarged prostate. History of gonorrhea. Inflammation of glans and prepuce. Gonorrheal rheumatism. Swelling of urethra with split stream. Sensation of tickling in urethra after urinating. Desire sudden and urgent, can not be controlled.Frequent desire to urinate. Pain lower abdomen.
TRIBULUS TER.- Prostatitis. 15 drops thrice daily corrects prostratitis and ill effects of masturbation
DAMIANA )- It cures prostratic discharge, which is chronic and accompanied
with sexual debility
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