Friday, April 20, 2018


Anorexia Nervosa
- The loss of appetite is known as Anorexia.
- Anorexia nervosa is a psychological eating disorder in which a person refuses to eat adequately, in spite of hunger and they lose enough weight to become emaciated.
- The illness usually begins with a normal weight – loss diet.
- The person eats very little, and refuses to stop dieting after a reasonable weight loss.
- People most affected are female adolescents and young adults.

Causative factors – Unknown.
- However, all patients have family and internal conflicts, including sexual conflicts.
- Increased risk from peer pressure to be thin.
- History of slight overweight.
- Perfectionists, compulsive or overachieving personalities.
- Psychological stress.
- There are various causes for the loss of appetite:
- Psychological: stress, grief and anxiety disorders.
- Other causes may be bacterial or viral infections.
- Diseases like hypothyroidism, tuberculosis, chronic liver disease, chronic kidney disease, hepatitis, and cancer can also lead to the loss of appetite.
- Certain medications and drug addictions also cause Anorexia.
- Another significant reason for the loss of appetite is Anorexia Nervosa.

Signs and Symptoms
- Weight loss of at least 25% of body weight without physical illness.
- High energy level despite body wasting.
- Intense fear of obesity.
- Depression, Appetite loss, Constipation, Cold intolerance, Refusal to maintain a minimum standard weight for age and height. Distorted body image.
- The person continues to feel fat – even when emaciated.

Anorexia and Homoeopathic Remedies
- Homeopathic treatment for loss of appetite helps by safely boosting the appetite. It works by correcting the cause of the anorexia to enhance the appetite. These medicines are useful for treating anorexia in patients of all age groups.

- Poor Appetite
- Alfalfa helps tone up the appetite in a very natural way.
- Along with boosting the appetite, it also helps to provide mental and physical strength to the body.
- Alfalfa works well in patients who experience a loss of appetite accompanied by weight loss, loss of flesh and emaciation.
- In such cases, the medicine helps improve the appetite as well as gain weight.
- Alfalfa is also a suitable homeopathic medicine for anorexia nervosa and loss of appetite with weakness, fatigue, and exhaustion.

Antimonium Crudum
- Appetite has diminished After a Severe Disease
- Antim crud helps to stimulate appetite after a serious illness.
- Complete and almost total loathing of food and drink, with a tendency to be overweight at the beginning of the illness.
- A patient needing Antimonium Crudum experiences a loss of appetite along with an aversion to every kind of food.
- But in some cases, the patient can eat acidic and sour things and has an aversion to all other food.
- Many will feel peevish, sad and weepy with a tendency to be sentimental.
- Nausea and a bitter taste in the mouth are accompanying symptoms.
- Along with these features, the tongue feels thickly coated.

Arsenicum alb.
- Extreme fastidiousness especially about germs and dirt.
- Anorexia coupled with fear of being poisoned.
- Fear of getting certain diseases so they starve.

- Following a total loss of appetite, the lips and tongue become very dry and constipation develops with hard, dry stools. 
- The person cannot bear any movement and wants to be left alone, becoming irritable, angry and nervous if disturbed.
- Thirsty only for large quantities of water.

Calcarea phosphorica
- Generally affects tall, usually slim women, with the illness often following grief or an unfortunate love affair. 
- Complaints of a colicky feeling and abdominal pain when trying to eat.

Carbo vegitabilis
- Anorexia often follows a debilitating illness. 
- The sufferer may appear pale and greyish and have a poor memory and slow thought processes. 
- The stomach feels very full after the smallest amount of food or drink and can become very distended with wind.

- Obsessive compulsive disorder.
- Perfectionism, fear of becoming fat, fear of rejection.
- Ailments from abuse, grief or fears, often related to weight.
- Chronic insomnia, workaholics.

- Poor Appetite When Accompanied by a Sense of Abdominal Fullness.
- China is a beneficial homeopathic remedy for improving appetite.
- It works by helping to aid the desire to eat.
- This medicine works well in cases of reduced appetite with a sensation of fullness in the abdomen.
- China is useful when a person feels full in the stomach all the time.
- The abdomen feels bloated and distended.
- There is an aversion to all food.
- China works well in cases where there is not a complete loss of appetite, but the patient feels satiated by eating very little.
- Lastly, China is a beneficial homeopathic medicine for a total loss of appetite during malaria.

- Poor Appetite When Nausea Accompanies Anorexia
- Colchicum is another excellent homeopathic treatment for loss of appetite.
- It helps to promote appetite in such cases.
- Colchicum is most helpful when nausea is present along with the loss of appetite.
- A person requiring Colchicum gets nauseous at the thought or smell of food.
- The patient feels hungry, but on smelling food, the appetite vanishes.
- If food is somehow taken, it seems tasteless. Colchicum helps to reduce nausea and stimulate the appetite.

- Anorexia plus mania, insanity, fear of being poisoned.
- Could have pathological jealousy, over concern about weight and getting fat.

- It helps to bring back appetite in patients who have lost their appetite due to depression.
- The guiding feature to use Ignatia is a loss of appetite from sadness, grief, and depression.
- A patient needing Ignatia refuses to eat and is absorbed in sad thoughts.
- The person feels sad and disappointed all the time, avoids the company of people, and feels exhausted both mentally and physically
- Perfectionism, fear of becoming fat, fear of rejection.
- Hysteria – loss of control of emotions, fainting.
- Ailments from grief or big disappointment, often related to weight.

Lycopodium muriaticum
- The illness may follow a large fright or extreme anger. 
- A tendency to become very apprehensive, weepy and cannot bear to be contradicted. 
- Any slight amount of appetite disappears on eating the first mouthful of food, especially cold food. 
- The symptoms are worse between 4 and 8 pm.

Natrum mur
- Most often indicated remedy in anorexia, a lot of guilt.
- Fear of being rejected, hurt easily, very self conscious.
- Dry lips, emaciate, dry skin, constipated, loose appetite.
- Behind this is perfectionism and fear of becoming fat. Nat mur have more confidence.

- Food is vomited up as soon as it reaches the stomach. 
- This remedy is well suited to tall, slim, sensitive, artistic types who are oversensitive to light, noise, smells and touch.
- Great weakness and loss of strength is also experienced.

Phosphoric acid
- Ailments from grief with loss of appetite with emaciation, pining away from loss of love, second stage they get indifferent to all emotions and food.
- Deadness inside (Sepia, Aurum met).
- Grief – anorexia than some chronic disease.

Platina met.
- Obsessed with their appearance, fear of becoming fat.
- Very obsessive and impulsive personality, egocentric and arrogant, all tied up with their sexuality, religious mania.

- Psorinum works well when there is a loss of appetite, but there is a constant thirst for water.
- Other symptoms include belching that tastes like rotten eggs.
- Psorinum is also useful for the loss of appetite and weakness arising after an acute disease.
- In such cases, Psorinum helps to improve appetite as well as provide strength to the body.

- Feeling of worthlessness, unloved, loneliness, fixed ideas about.
- Food especially certain foods are bad, than amount of foods that are bad grows, fear of gaining weight, pulsatilla’s gain weight easily, they can eat a pastry and swear they gained weight.
- Ignatia, Puls. and Nat. mur. are constantly weighing themselves.
- Scanty menses.

- Anorexia plus hormonal problems, nausea, sensitivity to smell.
- Disgust for food, worse since childbirth, hormones causes lack of appetite.

- Acute of Carcinosin, more visible, visibly upset. Carcinosin can control it more, Staph. may it more.
- Deep sense of worthlessness and depression, even suicidal.
- Humiliation, mortified, put down, criticized, zero confidence.

- Mania could be religious mania.
- Underneath you have a fear of being poisoned. Obsessiveness about weight, very restless and hyper energy people, they do everything fast – talk, move.

- Fear of being impure, dirty blood, anxiety about health, obsessed with idea of have to clean themselves out.

Veratrum alb
- Religious mania, loquacious, end of world is coming.
- Punish themselves, fast to appease god. Behind this you see guilt.

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Thursday, April 12, 2018

Alopecia Areata And HOMOEOPATHY


- The loss of hair in PATCHE is known as ALOPECIA AREATA.
- It develops when the immune system attacks the hair follicles, resulting in hair loss.
- Sudden hair loss may occur on the scalp and other parts of the body.
- The condition rarely results in total hair loss, or alopecia universalis, but it can prevent hair from growing back.
- When alopecia areata appears in the beard, it is known as alopecia areata barbae.
- Homeopathic medicines works by stopping the progress in the size of the bald spots and help in the regrowth of hair.
- Homeopathic treatment for alopecia areata helps by optimizing the overactive immune system that is destroying the hair follicles.

- Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease.
- An autoimmune disease develops when the immune system mistakes healthy cells for foreign substances.
- Stress, illness, and childbirth
- Drugs
- Cosmetic procedures
- Normally, the immune system defends your body against foreign invaders, such as viruses and bacteria. If you have alopecia areata, however, your immune system mistakenly attacks your hair follicles.
- Hair follicles are the structures from which hairs grow. The follicles become smaller and stop producing hair, leading to hair loss.
- Heredity and genetics play a significant role in alopecia areata.
- Medical conditions- Thyroid disease, lupus, diabetes, iron deficiency, and anemia can cause hair loss, but when the underlying condition is treated the hair will return.
- Patients suffering from alopecia areata very often mention a family member suffering from the same condition.
- Malnutrition

- Diffuse alopecia areata- Hair may also be lost more diffusely over the whole scalp
- Alopecia areata monolocularis- describes baldness in only one spot. It may occur anywhere on the head.
- Alopecia areata multilocularis -refers to multiple areas of hair loss.
- Alopecia areata barbae- The disease may be limited only to the beard.
- Alopecia totalis- If the patient loses all the hair on the scalp
- Alopecia universalis– If all body hair, including pubic hair, is lost.

- Alopecia areata shows up as bald patches. The most common areas for alopecia areata are the scalp and the beard, but may involve any body part with hair.
- There may be one, or multiple bald patches. The patches are usually round in shape and smooth to touch.
- If alopecia occurs in an ophiasis pattern (hair loss involving the temporal and posterior scalp) or if large areas of the scalp are involved for long periods of time, the prognosis is worse.
- A more generalized form of hair loss is referred to as diffuse alopecia areata where there is widespread dramatic thinning of the scalp hair.
- Occasionally, all of the scalp hair is entirely lost, a condition referred to as alopecia totalis. Less frequently, the loss of all of the hairs on the entire body, called alopecia universalis, occurs.


Fluoric Acid – First Homeopathic Medicine for Alopecia Areata
- Fluoric Acid helps in the regrowth of hair in the bald patches.
- Alopecia, with congestion of blood to the head, suggests this remedy.
- The new hair is dry, and breaks off.
- Tendency to develop alopecia in families
- Brittle hair
- Idiopathic hair fall
- Hair falls in spots, vertex baldness
- Falling of hair from syphilis. It is as near specific as is possible.
- Buoyant attitude towards life
- Extreme irritability and anger
- All complaints aggravated by warmth and better by cold application etc
- Fluoric Acid is also a highly suitable homeopathic medicine for hair fall after fever.

- It works well in cases where a person suffers from the loss of hair in patches.
- Patchy baldness
- Dryness of hair and scalp, itchy scalp, dandruff
- Hair fall in handfuls while combing
- Frontal baldness
- In some cases, there is itching on the scalp along with hair fall.
- Phosphorus also seems to help cases of traction alopecia.
- In such situations, there is a receding hair line.
- Hair fall from the forehead is prominent.
- Thin physique, long fingers, high cheek bones
- Weakness with excess emotional vulnerability and impressionability
- Extremely sympathetic persons who go out-of-the-way to help others
- Hair fall after any hemorrhagic disorder
- Fearful when alone
- Better in company
- Person needing Phosphorus may crave cold drinks and ice creams.

Arsenic Album
- Itching and Burning on the Scalp
- Can use in some obstinate cases
- Circular bald patches along with itching and burning on the scalp.
- These symptoms aggravate at night.
- In some cases, the scalp is also sensitive.
- A person needs arsenic alb must be a restless and thirsty for small quantity and often

Phosphoric Acid
- Any sort of grief leading to hair fall
- Long-standing effects of mental agony and patient lives in the state of shock for long
- Takes stress easily
- Early graying of hair (sometimes in childhood)
- Progressive thinning of hair with Copious perspiration.
- Difficult comprehension of things.
- Earthy and anaemic look of face.
- Extreme debility and Chronic dyspepsia.
- Craves juicy and refreshing things.

- Baldness menopausal and at menarche.
- Hair fall after delivery of the child with mental depression, during pregnancy continues delusion about neglected she is, leading to indifference.
- Hair pains when touched because of extremely sensitive hair roots with melasma.
- Irritability increased, with snappish attitude.
- Alopecia after chronic headaches.
- Pimply eruptions near the hairline on forehead
- Also given for alopecia begins due to fungal or tinea infection.

- Baldness in young people like school boys who had very heavy pressure for results.
- Hair fall in frontal and forehead region.
- Early graying of hair from pustular erruption
- Chilly with excessively sweaty cold palms
- Nervous and anxious disposition
- Mild types with white spots over nails
- Past history of delayed development of milestones.
- Fixed ideas, highly impressionable

Vinca Minor
- Works well in cases where there is a tendency for hair to fall in spots which are then replaced by white hair.
- Along with this, itching and violent scratching over the scalp may also be present.

Natrum Muriaticum
- It is frequently prescribed in cases of hair loss especially in anemic females.
- Affects hair follicles causes alopecia
- Greasy, oily skin, especially on hairy parts.
- Dry eruption on margin of hairy scalp and bends of joints.
- Worse from eating salt and at seashore.
- Hypochondriasis and weariness
- History of headache or malaria.

- This drug is frequently prescribed for complaints of hair loss, premature baldness, premature graying of hair.
- Offensive secretions and violent itching are a few of its common indications.
- The complaints are worse from warmth and better by cold applications.

- Hair stick together
- Fall in handfuls
- Crusty eruptions on scalp leading to hair fall
- Itchy scalp, dandruff
- Alopecia Areata affecting scalp leading to hair fall
- Sensitive to cold air, skin rashes, eruptions, crusts below which is yellow purulent matter


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