Friday, April 16, 2021




Corona virus is belongs to family of SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Distress) Virus and MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) Virus.

In 2019 this new virus found in China.

Now This Virus is known as the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).

In March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-2019 outbreak a pandemic.



Coronaviruses have all their genetic material in something called RNA (ribonucleic acid). RNA has some similarities to DNA, but they aren’t the same.

When viruses infect you, they attach to your cells, get inside them, and make copies of their RNA, which helps them spread. If there’s a copying mistake, the RNA gets changed. Scientists call those changes mutations.

These changes happen randomly and by accident. It’s a normal part of what happens to viruses as they multiply and spread.

Coronavirus Mutations Found in Brazil, U.K., Africa

In January 2021, experts spotted a new COVID-2019 variant in people from Brazil who’d traveled to Japan. By the end of that month, the variant was showing up in the U.S.

This variant appears to be more contagious than earlier strains of the virus. And it may be able to infect people who've already had COVID-2019. A report from Brazil confirms that a 29-year-old woman came down with this variant after an earlier corona virus infection a few months before.

The mutation on the U.K. variant is on the spike protein, other variants of the virus have been found in other countries, including South Africa and Nigeria. The South African variant appears to spread more easily than the original virus but doesn’t seem to cause worse illness.



2 to 14 days after Exposure



Symptoms start to appear after 2 days, some patients have no symptoms and some patients have many symptoms.

Some patients have no symptoms and after few days they show symptoms like shortness of breath and diagnosed as Viral Pneumonitis in CT Scan, High CRP, LDH, D-Dimer, Low Leucocytes and Lymphocytes in Blood Examination.

Children and Old peoples have same symptoms like adults

Common Symptoms:

-    Fever

-    Cough

-    Tiredness (Weakness, Uneasiness, Dullness, Sleepiness)

-    Loss of Smell

-    Loss of Taste


Other Symptoms:

-    Throat Pain

-    Sore Throat

-    Headache

-    Muscle Aches (Body Pain)

-    Loss of Appetite

-    Diarrhea

-    Nausea

-    Vomiting

-    Body Rash

-    Chest Pain

-    Pink or Red Eye

-    Itching in Eyes


Severe Cases Symptoms:

-    High Grade fever (Inflammatory Fever)

-    Chest Pain

-    Heaviness of Chest

-    Shortness of Breath


People having high risk of severity that has serious illness like:

-    Serious Heart Diseases

-    Diabetes

-    Cancer

-    COPD

-    Obesity

-    Chronic Kidney Disease

-    Blood Disease

-    Immuno-compromised Disease

-    Liver Diseases



-    Avoid close contact (within about 6 feet, or 2 meters) with anyone who is sick or has symptoms.( Keep in mind some people may have COVID-2019 and spread it to others, even if they don't have symptoms or don't know they have COVID-2019.)

-    Avoid crowds and indoor places that have poor ventilation.

-    Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

-    Cover your face with a cloth face mask in public spaces, such as the grocery store, where it's difficult to avoid close contact with others. Surgical masks may be used if available. N95 respirators should be reserved for health care providers.

-    Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.

-    Avoid sharing dishes, glasses, towels, bedding and other household items if you're sick.

-    Clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces, such as doorknobs, light switches, electronics and counters, daily.

-    Stay home from work, school and public areas if you're sick, unless you're going to get medical care. Avoid public transportation, taxis and ride-sharing if you're sick.



The main part is Diagnosis:

First we need to find days of infection.

Patient comes with Group of symptoms:

On the very first;

-    Look at the patient and take data of symptoms (when it starts, how it starts, how it goes, from how many days, what treatment you took)

-    Look at the Fever Level (if present)

-    Rapid Antigen Test- sometimes result is negative but repeat after 72hour

-    RT-PCR test: sometimes result is negative in early days (best time 4 to 8 days)

-    Blood Examination: CBC, CRP, LDH

CBC will guide you to Disease by showing result of Hb, WBC, RBC, LYMPHOCYTES, NEUTROPHILS, MP

CRP will guide you to Inflammation

LDH will guide you to get hints of Covid-2019 infection reached to LUNGS or Not

-    Look on Oxygen Level(SPO2) to get hint of Disease severity

After Getting Positive in Antigen/RT-PCR/ CT-scan:


It is between 15to20: more viral load

It is between 20to25: moderate Viral load

It is between 25to33: less viral load



Consolidation: Present/Absent

Days of Infection:

Early Changes: 0-4 days

Progressive Stage: 5-8 days

Peak stage: 9-14Days

Resolve stage: >14days

CT severity score:

If it is more than 19/25, it might get serious


CT score:


2-5 Days: CBC, CRP, LDH (Elder age case), ANTIGEN TEST

6-9 Days: CBC, CRP, LDH, RT-PCR (Mostly Get Positive), CT-Scan (5-7Days most advisable)

9-12 Days: CBC, CRP, LDH, D-Dimer, FERRITIN, IL6 (in severe Case)



1.   People have Mild Symptoms in young age, no need of treatment, gets cured by ownself due to body’s reaction to get void of virus between 4-8days after infection

2.   People have Relapsing High fever or Continues High Fever (>102F) starts treatment as soon as possible – Anti-inflammatory Medicine ( ACON, BELLA, BRYONIA, FERRUM PHOS, FERRUM MET, LACHESIS, PHOS, IGNATIA, KALI MUR, PULSATILLA, SEPIA, LYCOPODIUM, HEPAR SULPH) in higher potency as per symptoms totality

3.   People have many symptoms, starts proper treatment on the basis of totality

4.   In early days of infection, medicines used as per experience (ACON, BELLA, NUX VOMICA, BRYONIA, GELS, FERRUM PHOS,  CAMPHORA, PHOS, MERC, IGNATIA, KALI MUR)

5.   In progressive stage (after 5-6days), medicines used (BELLA, NUX, BRYONIA, LACHESIS, KALI MUR, LYCOPODIUM, MERC, ANTIM TART, PHOS, PULSA, SEPIA, CHELIDONIUM)



8.   In continue fever cases- sometime one dose of SULPH/PYROGEN helps to reduce/break the paroxysm of fever



-    In pulmonary congestions, 1st stage of pneumonia. Symptoms are high fever, distinct chill, pulse- small, full, hard & tense.

-    History of exposure to cold winds.

-    Skin hot, dry; hard teasing and painful dry cough. Cough, dry, short, hacking; worse at night and after midnight.

-    Hot feeling in lungs.

-    Expectoration is watery, serous and frothy, may blood tinged.

-    Restless tossing about, anxiety and fear of death.

-    Forebodings and fears. Fears death but believes that he will soon die; predicts the day.



-    It acts upon the nervous system, causing various degrees of motor paralysis.

-    General prostration with Muscular weakness. Dizziness, drowsiness, dullness, and trembling is present along with Slow pulse, tired feeling, mental apathy.

-    Complete relaxation and prostration of whole muscular system with entire motor paralysis.

-    Desire to be quiet, to be let alone; does not wish to speak or have any one near her, even if the person be silent.

-    Lack of muscular co-ordination; confused; muscles refuse to obey the will.

-    The heart is feeble and the pulse is feeble, soft and irregular.

-    There is palpitation during the febrile state. Palpitation, with weakness and irregularity of the pulse.



-    It includes exhaustion, and restlessness, with nightly aggravation, are most important.

-    Great exhaustion after the slightest exertion.  This, with the peculiar irritability of fiber, gives the characteristic irritable weakness.

-    There is Great prostration, with rapid sinking of the vital force with mental restlessness, but physically too weak to move; cannot rest in any place: changing places continually; fear of death; thinks it useless to take medicine, is incurable, is surely going to die.

-    The surface of the body is pale, cold, clammy, and sweating, and the aspect is cadaveric. Anxiety, restlessness, prostration, burning and cadaveric odors are prominent characteristics.



-    1st stage of inflammation before exudation takes place.

-    Expectoration is thin watery and blood streaked.

-    Violent congestion of lungs- whether at onset of disease or during its course.

-    Thus it corresponds to secondary pneumonia in the aged and debilitated.

-    High fever oppressed and hurried breathing and bloody expectoration.

-    Little thirst.


5.   IODUM:

-    1st & 2nd stage of pneumonia, croupous form.

-    High fever and thirst less.

-    Rapid tendency for hepatization.

-    Cough and dyspnoea as if chest would not expand.

-    Sputum blood streaked.

-    Iod 1x-3x arrests process of hepatization if given.



-    Fever present; sharp, stitching pleuritic pains.

-    Cough is hard and dry.

-    Sputum is scanty and rust colored.

-    Tongue is dry.

-    Patient wants to keep perfectly quiet.

-    Right sided remedy.

-    Pain in chest worse by motion, breathing and relieved by lying on right or painful side.

-    For pneumonia complicated by pleurisy.



-    Follows Bry and is complimentary.

-    Lungs are hepatized.

-    Cough with pain under sternum; mucus rales.

-    Sputa is yellowish mucus with blood streaks or rust colored.

-    Longing for cold water to drink



-    After phos. as the exudates begins to soften.

-    Cough after exposure to dry cold wind, rattling of mucus,<by cold air or drinks.

-    Cough when any part of body is uncovered. Patient has to sit up and bend back in asthma.

-    Throat symptoms are most marked in early infection: When swallowing, sensation as if a plug and of a splinter in throat. Hawking up of mucus. Stitches in throat extending to the ear when swallowing.

-    Longing for acids, wine, and strong-tasting food.

-    Cough excited whenever any part of the body gets cold or uncovered, or from eating anything cold.



-    There is much drowsiness, debility and sweat

-    Rattling of mucus with little expectoration has been a guiding symptom.

-    Cropping up late in a pneumonia, you do not usually get them in the early stages, and by the time the patients have gone on to an Antimony tart.

-    State they are seriously ill.

-    The appearance of these patients is suggestive, they are pale, they have a pincked look, rather a bluish coloration of the skin, and they are covered with a cold sweat.

-    Owing to the extensive chest involvement you will find the alae nasi flapping and with the obvious effort to get as much air in as possible all the muscles down the side of the neck are standing out and the patient is struggling for breath. The lips in typical Antimony tart.

-    The lips may tend to become paler, and in any case they are usually very dry.

-    As a rule there is a very thick coating to the tongue; it is a horrible, pasty, white coating, and the tongue looks just as if it had been painted with white enamel. In a few cases you may find a somewhat brown coat, which is very dry, but that is exceptional. The outstanding point is that, in spite of the dryness of the lips and tongue, these Antimony tart. patients are completely thirstless.

-    Coughing and gaping consecutively.

-    Cough excited by eating, with pain in chest and larynx.

-    Bronchial tubes overloaded with mucus.



-    Pleurisy, especially of left side, with exudation and pericarditis, with effusion.

-    Aggravation from eating and lying down

-    Secretion of much mucous with cough and dyspnoea.

-    Threatening asphyxia.



-    Whole picture of patient is like Antim Tart but in Carbo veg. case there is less cyanosis of the extremities, which are more likely to be pale and covered with an icy, cold sweat.

-    Carbo veg. patients say that they have an intense air hunger, and yet they feel frightfully cold, whereas there is none of that feeling of frightful coldness in the Antimony tart. patients.

-    The lips tend to be purplish and somewhat swollen.

-    A dirty, yellowish-brown, very dry tongue.

-    Patient wants sips of cold water, and very often complains of a very unpleasant, foul taste in the mouth.

-    Cough with itching in larynx; spasmodic with gagging and vomiting of mucus.

-    Deep, rough voice, failing on slight exertion.

-    Occasional spells of long coughing attacks.

-    Cough, with burning in chest; worse in evening, in open air, after eating and talking.

-    Spasmodic cough, bluish face, offensive expectoration, neglected pneumonia.

-    Haemorrhage from lungs.

-    Breath cold; must be fanned.

-    Definite extensive areas of consolidation, and rather less generalized bubbling in the chest.

-    Extreme exhaustion.

-    A feeling of distension, fullness and flatulence



-    Throat- Sore, worse left side, swallowing liquids.

-    Dry, intensely swollen, externally and internally.

-    Feeling as if something was swollen which must be swallowed; worse, swallowing saliva or liquids. Pain into ear. Collar and neck-band must be very loose.

-    Lachesis is very similar to Baptisia and Pyrogen. I think in the majority of cases you will find your Lachesis pneumonias cropping up later in the winter or in the early spring

-    Often find them cropping up just at the end of a cold spell when the weather is beginning to get warmer

-    the extremely toxic, fuddled, maudlin, drunken sort of patient.

-    They are rather heavy looking, with a mottled, cyanotic appearance, a very puffy-looking face, and puffy, swollen-looking, cyanotic lips.

-    These Lachesis patients have great difficulty in coughing, they have a horrible feeling of suffocation, they have great difficulty in breathing, and they are simply terrified to lie down.

-    Feels he must take a deep breath.

-    respiratory distress these patients always have a horrible choking sensation, a feeling of tightness round their throat, and they cannot bear to have the blankets up round their neck as they feel they would strangle if they did.



-    Sudden and intense congestion and inflammation of the lungs, as will the Veratrum viride.

-    Congestive stage and early manifestations of hepatization in pneumonia.

-    Zigzag temperature.

-    Quarrelsome and delirious.

-    Face flushed.

-    Thirsty.

-    Hyperthermy in the evening and hypothermy in the morning.

-    Intense congestion in lung and a large number of the capillary vessels ruptured.

-    Veratrum viride will cure pneumonia during the first, or congestive stage, and here it resembles Aconite.






Friday, November 8, 2019

Uric Acid And Homoeopathy

Uric Acid And Homoeopathy

- When the level of uric acid or, rather, sodium urate in their blood rises above its ‘solubility limit’ so that crystals form in the body is called as GOUT.
- Gout is a common and complex form of arthritis that can affect anyone. It's characterized by sudden, severe attacks of pain, swelling, redness and tenderness in the joints, often the joint at the base of the big toe.
An attack of gout can occur suddenly, often waking you up in the middle of the night with the sensation that your big toe is on fire. The affected joint is hot, swollen and so tender that even the weight of the sheet on it may seem intolerable.

What is uric acid?
- Uric acid is an end-product – the last chemical in a chain of steps that break down the purines from the genetic material (DNA and RNA) and the related chemical ATP which supplies energy within all our cells.
- These purine breakdown products are released into the blood from our cells as they die and are replaced, and purines are also released from food as it is digested.
- In the blood, 99 percent of uric acid is in the form of the more soluble sodium urate. However, in urine, which has a wide range of acidity, the ratio of uric acid to urate varies, and it is almost entirely uric acid when the urine is very acidic.
- Thus, uric acid crystals and stones may also develop in the kidneys, leading to decline in their efficiency.

Risk factors
You're more likely to develop gout if you have high levels of uric acid in your body. Factors that increase the uric acid level in your body include:
- Diet: Eating a diet rich in meat and seafood and drinking beverages sweetened with fruit sugar (fructose) increase levels of uric acid, which increase your risk of gout. Alcohol consumption, especially of beer, also increases the risk of gout.
Obesity: If you're overweight, your body produces more uric acid and your kidneys have a more difficult time eliminating uric acid.

- Medical conditions: Certain diseases and conditions increase your risk of gout. These include untreated high blood pressure and chronic conditions such as diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and heart and kidney diseases.
- Certain medications: The use of thiazide diuretics — commonly used to treat hypertension — and low-dose aspirin also can increase uric acid levels. So can the use of anti-rejection drugs prescribed for people who have undergone an organ transplant.
- Family history of gout: If other members of your family have had gout, you're more likely to develop the disease.
- Age and sex: Gout occurs more often in men, primarily because women tend to have lower uric acid levels. After menopause, however, women's uric acid levels approach those of men. Men are also more likely to develop gout earlier — usually between the ages of 30 and 50 — whereas women generally develop signs and symptoms after menopause.
Recent surgery or trauma: Experiencing recent surgery or trauma has been associated with an increased risk of developing a gout attack.

High Uric Acid Causes:

1. Kidney Diseases
Levels of uric acid can also be elevated when the kidneys are unable to eliminate the excess of uric acid from the body. This can majorly be due to kidney dysfunction like kidney stones, chronic kidney disease, adverse effects of some drugs like diuretics, NSAID’s, etc.

2. High Purine Diet
Uric acid levels majorly get affected by purine-rich foods like beef, organ meats, mussels, sweetbreads, mackerel, spinach, asparagus, beans, lentils, dried peas, etc.
Oxalate-rich foods including spinach, beets, nuts, rhubarb, chocolate, black tea, wheat bran, beans and strawberries also contribute to increased uric acid levels. Some other dietary items like gluten, dairy, corn, white bread, and sugars can also lead to increased uric acid production.

3. High Intake of Fructose
Intake of fructose-rich foods and drinks increases the production of inosine and purines, thereby rapidly raising uric acid levels by activating certain enzymes. Fructose also stimulates uric acid synthesis from amino acid precursors such as glycine.

4.  High Sodium Intake and Ketogenic Diet
High intake of sodium and following a ketogenic diet (low carb, moderate protein, and high-fat diet) reduces the ability of the kidney to eliminate the uric acid.

5. Increased Alcohol Intake
The production of uric acid gets stimulated by alcohol as it increases the lactic acid content in the body, which reduces the excretion of uric acid in the kidney. Alcohol also speeds up the breakdown of purines, thereby raising the production of uric acid.

6. Hypothyroidism
Deficiency of thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) influences the purine metabolism and also causes a reduction in kidney blood flow and filtration rate, which results in elevated uric acid levels in the blood.

7. Parathyroid Hormones
Increase in parathyroid hormone reduces the excretion of urate from the kidney, leading to elevated uric acid levels.

8.  Obesity
Obesity or excessive body weight leads to the production of excess uric acid in the body, making it difficult for the kidney to process and eliminate it. Hyperuricemia correlates with leptin (hormone that controls hunger) levels, as an obese individual has higher leptin levels (due to leptin resistance).

9. Sex Hormones
Blood uric acid is higher in men as compared to women, making males more prone to hyperuricemia. As estrogen hormone is required for the regular elimination of urate (uric acid salt) through the kidneys, men being low on estrogen tend to develop hyperuricemia.

10. Nutrient deficiency
In menopausal women, hyperuricemia is often linked to a Vitamin D deficiency.

11. Diuretics 
Diuretics are known to be important causes of secondary hyperuricemia. They cause an increase in blood uric acid levels along with an increase in its reabsorption, leading to a decrease in the uric acid secretion from the body.

Signs and Symptoms
When uric acid crystals settle into joints, symptoms of gout start to appear.

Common symptoms of gout in the joints include:
- Severe pain in joints of feet, ankles, knees, hips, wrists, hands, fingers and back where even the weight of clothing is intolerable.
- Discoloration in the joints in the joints is quite noticeable; they may become deep red or even purple at onset.
- Swelling and stiffness of joint are markedly present, and it may also feel hot.
- Fever ranging from 100F-102.2F, with or without chills.
- Inflammation of joint accompanied by tenderness, with decreased mobility of the joint.
- Persistent discomfort as the joint inflammation and pain can last for days or weeks.
- In chronic cases, nodular masses of uric acid crystals (tophi) gets deposited in different soft tissues of the body. It is most commonly found as hard nodules around the fingers, elbow and the big toe. On repeated attack, the tophi may become swollen and tender.
- If we have high levels of uric acid in our body that our kidneys cannot keep up with, the uric acid then builds up and crystallizes. These uric acid crystals settle in the urinary tract and cause kidney stones. These kidney stones may cause symptoms such as pain in the back, abdomen or groin, chills, fever, nausea, vomiting and bloody urine.

Diagnosis of Gout
1. Aspiration of synovial fluid (arthrocentesis) or of tophaceous material reveals needle-like intracellular crystals of sodium urate.
Monosodium urate monohydrate crystals in synovial fluid taken from an inflamed joint or tophus establishes the diagnosis.
Serum uric acid is above normal, although hyperuricemia isn’t specifically diagnostic of gout.

2. X-rays are normal initially; however, in chronic gout, X-rays show “punched out” erosions, sometimes with periosteal overgrowth. Outward displacement of the overhanging margin from the bone contour characterizes gout.
Urinary uric acid is usually higher in secondary gout than in primary gout.

3. ESR 
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate and white blood cell (WBC) count may be elevated, and the WBC count differential shows increased immature neutrophils (bands) in acute attacks.

4. S.Uric Acid

Homeopathic Medicine for Uric Acid Control

1. Colchicum –
- Colchicum is especially indicated in cases where high uric acid levels give rise to the onset of gout.
- There may be a sharp pain in the great toe.

- The affected parts may be swollen and very hot to touch.
- There could be great sensitivity to touch along with extreme pain. The pains could be more intense in the evening and at night.
- Slightest effort to move the legs gives rise to a sharp, shooting and unbearable pain in the toe.
- Walking may also be difficult.
- The person needing this remedy has intense swelling and pain in the big toe that is worse from motion.
- The toe pain also worsens from slightest touch, with the tendency of evening aggravation of the toe pain.
- There may be aversion to smell of food as soon as served.
- Worse by motion, touch or mental effort.
- Better by warmth, rest or sitting.
- Gout and rheumatism in smokers.

2. Benzoic Acid –
- Benzoic Acid is a medicine for uric acid that is indicated when the signs of high uric acid show urinary symptoms.
- Uric acid crystals may be deposited in the kidneys or the urinary tract, giving rise to stones.
- On examination, the urine may exhibit very high levels of uric acid. The color of urine may also keep changing from dark brown to pale yellow.
- Benzoic acid may also be indicated when there are joint complaints, like a crackling sensation in the joints.
- The great toe may be swollen, causing difficulty in walking or even moving the limb.
- Cracking in the knee joint on movement may also be felt.
- In some cases, nodes from the deposition of urate crystals may be present on the knees.
- Homeopathic medicine Benzoicum Acidum also works well in cases of knee pain gets worse from drinking wine.
- It is also indicated as a general medicine in all cases of raised uric acid levels.

3. Ledum Pal –
- Ledum pal is indicated when the high levels of uric acid in the blood result in the deposition of the crystals in the joint spaces.
- The first attack of pain could be triggered by an increased intake of meat or alcohol.
- Ledum Pal is a very beneficial medicine for gout leading to ankle pain.
- The person needing Ledum Pal has pain and swelling in the ankle.
- The pain from the ankle may radiate up the leg, and movement tends to intensify the ankle pain.
- Better by cold application.
- There is deposition of chalk stones in finger joints, wrists and toes.
- Irritable patient with desire to be alone.
Pain may be caused by alcoholism, insect stings, and punctured wound.
- Pain worse by warm applications.

4. Guaiacum –
- It is a well-indicated remedy to treat high uric acid levels and works well in chronic cases where the deformities and contractures set in.
- Gout engrafted on syphilitic or tubercular constitutions
- Intolerance to heat in any form, the affecting joints being extremely hot to touch, bad smell from the body are other symptoms.
- It is given in acute cases where the affected limb is painful, stiff and immobile.
- The leg and ankle bones are especially affected shooting pain in legs from feet to knees.
- Pains in tibia.
- Better by cold bath and cold application.

5. Lithium Carb –
- Lithium Carb is a medicine used to treat raised uric acid levels.
- The high levels of uric acid give rise to an unusual stiffness all over the body.
- Another peculiar feature is itching all over the skin of the joints.
- The pains are relieved by pouring hot water.
- Uric acid may get deposited in the joint spaces to give rise to nodosities which can be felt externally.
- The nodes may also be felt in the finger joints. In severe cases, they may be felt in the ear pinna.

6. Bryonia alba –
- Pain with inflammation, which is aggravated by movement and relieved by moderate pressure and rest.
- There is inflammation of joints which are hot and swollen.
- The patient feels chilly.
-Thirsty for large amount of water at small interval with mouth dryness.

7. Berberis vulgaris –
- Pain in heels relieved by putting most of the weight on them.
- Arthritic affection if attended by renal sticking pain and backache.
- This urine of this remedy corresponds to many cases of gout, yet it will be rarely indicated unless the characteristic tearing cutting pains are present.
- These pains are in the renal region and extend down the ureters to the bladder or into pelvis and hips.
- The urine is hot, dark or bright yellow or blood red, with white, grayish or bright red mealy sediment, or red granules, or yellowish red crystals.

8. Lycopodium –
- When red sand appears in the urine, our first thoughts is for Lycopodium, and indeed it will clear up many cases of gout.
Its general digestive disturbances, flatulent conditions are often met with in gout.
- Particularly is it indicated by its scanty, high-colored urine depositing a red or yellowish red sandy sediment.
- It has severe backache relieved by passing urine.
- Burning between scapulae, and the 4 to 8 P.M. aggravations are useful characteristics to decide the choice of this remedy.

9. Formic Acid and Formica Rufa –
- Gouty pains due to urates and albumin in urine.
- Inflammation of joints which are very painful.
- They are worse on motion, by cold or before storm.
- Better on pressure.

10. Kali carb –
- Pains stitching, stabbing and burning character relieved temporarily by cold application and not by rest or motion.
- The patient shrieks on account of pain.
- Backache accompanied by great weakness and profuse sweating.
- If he covers the painful part, the pain goes to the uncovered part.
- Aggravation after eating and uncovering.

Food That Decreases Uric Acid Naturally

For Any Help / Consultation:
Call +919510404646
Dr. Mayur Modi

Saturday, June 23, 2018


Chronic Constipation

- Chronic constipation is not the most glamorous topic, but it certainly is an important one.

- Over 25% of Indians suffer from constipation. 

- Doctors write over a million prescriptions for constipation per year, and roughly 725 million is spent annually on laxatives. 

- Clearly this is a significant topic, even if we don’t want to talk about it much!

- In that vein, I have created a guide called the Constipation Correction that you can peruse and implement in the privacy of your own home. 

- It includes the myriad of reasons for constipation, how to get additional testing if needed, and a nutritional, supplemental and lifestyle approach with a variety of protocols, tailored to your specific needs.

+ So what is constipation, anyway?
- If you ask different providers, they very well may give you different definitions. 

- The classic criteria for constipation (which can vary by person) will include two or more of the following: Fewer than 3 bowel movements per week, hard stool 25% of the time, feeling as if you are not done 25% of the time, sensation of obstruction 25% of the time, having to use manual maneuvers 25% of the time, and hard stool without the use of laxatives.

- People mean many things when they say they have constipation.
The infrequent passing of stools, difficulties in voiding, sense of incomplete voiding are all suggestive of constipation.

-The normal reference range for bowel movements is very varied. Some people have bowel movements three times a day; others, only one or two times a week.

- Medically, constipation is defined as fewer than three bowel movements in a week. Constipation may be considered severe when there is less than one bowel movement in a week.

- Constipation is twice as likely in women as in men, and more common in people over 65.


- Many factors contribute to the development of constipation. Different people will have a different set of causative factors.
- Insufficient fiber intake in the diet.
- Not chewing the food properly / eating hurriedly.
- Reduced water intake.
- Various medications
- Iron supplements
- Antidepressants, tri-cyclic anti-depressants.
- Anti-convulsants
- Diuretics
- Stopping cigarette smoking.
- Abuse of laxatives.
- Medications containing calcium and aluminum.
- Endocrine disorders like - underactive thyroid.
- Any severe illness like stroke, paralysis.
- Major changes in life like pregnancy, old-age or traveling.
- Psychosomatic causes like depression and anxiety neurosis.
- Biochemical imbalance 'low potassium levels in the blood.
- Lead poisoning.
- Conditions that obstruct the normal passage of the stools within the intestines ' foreign bodies in intestines, strictures, adhesions, tumors, etc.
- Abdominal surgeries.
- Weakened pelvic floor muscles.
- Constipation can occur sometimes as part of a condition called 'irritable bowel syndrome' where it alternates with diarrhea.

Functional issues that can contribute to constipation include:
- undiagnosed food sensitivities;
- dysbiosis - an imbalance between good and not-so-good gut flora;
- small intestine bacteria overgrowth (SIBO);
- leaky gut;
- nutrient insufficiencies, particularly magnesium;
- underactive thyroid;
- imbalance in the enteric nervous system/second brain and hormonal imbalance can play a part.

Tips to Prevent Constipation
Have more fibers in your diet. 25 to 30 grams of daily intake can prevent constipation. Fibers help retain water in the stools thus making them softer and easier to expel.
- Whole grain cereals and bread
- Dried fruits, such as prunes and raisins
- Popcorn, nuts, and seeds
- Beans and legumes
- Raw fruits and vegetables

Drink plenty of fluids, preferably water. 8 glasses a day will help. Have more if you are physically active. Prune (manukka) juice and other fruit drinks are known to normalize bowel motility.

Cut down on soft drinks and alcohols. Dehydration is a major contributor for hard, lumpy & irregular stools. Overuse of colas, alcoholic and caffeinated products can contribute to constipation. They are dehydrating agents.

Check your medicine closet. Identify your routine medications that may contribute to constipation. Let your doctor help you find an alternative.

Don't curb your natural tendencies! Do not ignore your body's natural urge to defecate. Over time, your body will stop having these natural urges and constipation will set in. Train your child to void himself when he has the urge, even if he'd rather play.

Stop the regular use of laxatives and enemas. Their long-term use can aggravate constipation. If you must take laxatives, then try starting with very low doses. Avoid randomly self-medicating oneself.

Exercise, Exercise, Exercise!! Physical inactivity can certainly make bowel movements very sluggish! People tend to cut down on physical activities as they age, for many reasons. Walking is a great way to exercise and prevent constipation.

Homoeopathic treatment for Constipation:

- Homoeopathy offers a promising cure for constipation. Chronic constipation results from various constitutional problems such as stress, genetic predisposing, altered sleep pattern, etc.
- Homoeopathy offers treatment which is based on the patient's individual case pattern. Homeopathy is strongly recommended for all cases of constipation.

- Homoeopathic treatment for constipation is based on the treatment of internal causes leading to the development of constipation. Most cases of constipation may not need medicine but some lifestyle and food changes.
- The homoeopathic medicines for constipation have a distinction over the purgatives by it not being habit-forming. Most of the purgatives are habit forming, doing more harm at the end, on stopping it. Homoeopathic medicines are NOT habit forming, as they are actually not purgatives.

Homoeopathic Remedies for CONSTIPATION:

Nux Vomica
- This is an over-the-counter homeopathic medicine, which is safe to take for a few days, for getting relief from constipation.
- Constipation with ineffectual urging and scanty stool.
- Nux Vomica passes scanty stool, very frequently.
- A sensation as of a weight in the abdomen, with rolling and grumbling, and great heat
- The stool is unsatisfactory and insufficient. Even after passing stool many times a day, there is a never “got done” feeling.
- Abdomen pain may arise along with constipation
- Typically, this medicine is suitable for young executives or businessmen, who are always on the go, living a stressful life, the pressure of deadlines, frequent travelers, irregular sleep habits, use or abuse of alcohol and smokers, and who are highly ambitious.
- They are likely to be lean, thin in physical structure and may be regular at the gym, still not satisfied with bowel movements.

- Serviceable in the beginning of many cases of chronic constipation, especially when accompanied with haemorrhoids.
- Frequently indicated after Nux vom. or to complete a cure, in hypochondriacal or haemorrhoidal subjects.
- According to Hirschell Sulphur acts like Nux vom., in the constipations which are even more obstinate, when, for example, the constipation depends upon the obstruction or swelling of some organ, especially the liver, together with the engorgement of the portal circulation.
- The typical Sulph. patient is worse for heat.
- Loves fat, which may disagree: salt: sweets.
- Feet burn at night: puts them out.
- Starving at 10 or 11 a.m. 
- Always wants to sit down.
- Stoop-shouldered.
- Untidy.
- Worse for bath-hates bath and washing.
- The "ragged philosopher" type.

- Constipation with no urge to pass stool for days
- A guiding feature for Alumina use is absence of the urge to pass stool for days together.
- The person needing Alumina will go days without passing stool.
- The intestine action is extremely sluggish.
- Stool is passed only when there is large accumulation of faecal matter in the intestine.
- Another important symptom for using Alumina is excessive straining to pass stool even when the stool is soft. 
- Alumina is also one of the majorly indicated Homeopathic medicine for constipation in children, infants, bottle-fed babies and among elderly persons.

Bryonia Alba
- This medicine is suitable to those who are constipation and having dry, hard stool, requiring straining at passing stool; or those who have no desire to pass stool for a couple of days.
- Again, they are business executives, living stressful urban lifestyle.
- For constipation with hard, dry stool that passes in lump form, Bryonia Alba is considered one of the best Homeopathic medicine for constipation .
- The stool is dry, as if burnt, and is passed with much difficulty.
- Abdominal distension is also noted in some cases.
- Thirst large quantities for and often
- Business talks
- Headache from constipation may also be effectively treated with Homeopathic medicine Bryonia Alba.

Lycopodium Clavatum 
- Constipation with flatulence and bloated abdomen
- Lycopodium Clavatum works wonders in cases where constipation is attended with flatulence and a bloated abdomen.
- Lycopodium Clavatum is also the most helpful Homeopathic medicine for constipation in elderly people.
- It is very useful in irritable bowel syndrome as well.

- Constipation where stool recedes after being partially expelled
- In some constipation cases, the stool is known to recede after being partially expelled.
- In such cases, Silicea is the most useful Homeopathic medicine for constipation.
- The stool is soft, needs straining to pass out, but recedes back into the rectum after being partially expelled.
- There is constriction of anus.
- Exhaustion attends straining efforts to pass stool.
- Burning, smarting pain at the anus may also arise.
- Constipation in women before and during menses makes another case of using Homeopathic medicine Silicea.

Natrum Mur
- Constipation when stool is passed on alternate days
- In cases where stool is passed on alternative days, Homeopathic Medicine Natrum Mur is what the doctor orders to regularise bowel movements.
- The attending features are constriction in the rectum, smarting, burning or tearing pain at the anus.
- Morning Headache
- Anorexia with Constipation
- Irritable and restlessness with debility
- Cachexia with constipation

- Constipation; stool large, hard, dry; passed with difficulty, with dryness, heat and constriction of rectum which feels as if full of small sticks; knife-like pains shoot up the rectum after stool

Plumbum Met
- Constipation, once a week a hard knobbly stool.
- The faeces composed of lumps packed together like sheep's dung
- The impaction of stools leads to blockage and considerable difficulty in passing.
- Retraction of abdomen, as if by a thread, to spine.
- Abdominal colic, with pain as if umbilicus is pulled towards spineare

- Patient is hungry, but has no desire to eat, great constipation, black, round ball-like stools. - Patient is worse in hot weather, during and after sleep, better in cool open air and constant walking.
- Constipation from inaction, or paresis for 6 or 8 weeks, with loss of appetite
- Violent griping in abdomen with constipation

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